Overview of ENFPs’ Functional Stack & Type Development
ENFPs’ functional stack:
Dominant: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)——主导功能:外向直觉(Ne)
Auxiliary: Introverted Feeling (Fi)——辅助功能:内向情感 (Fi)
Tertiary: Extraverted Thinking (Te)——第三功能:外向思考(Te)
Inferior: Introverted Sensing (Si)——第四功能:内向感觉(Si)
Their type development can be roughly divided into three phases. These phases unfold in accordance with the differentiation and development of their functional stack.
Phase I: Expanding & Experimenting
While ENFPs tend to remain curious throughout their lives, this is especially pronounced early in their development. As mentioned above, they tend to be equally open to both actions and ideas, to trying just about anything once. ENFPs expand their horizons by any number of means: reading, travel, the arts, taking classes, engaging with people, etc. This exploratory phase often continues well into their twenties, even into their thirties.
Phase II: Clarifying Values & Interests
As ENFPs develop their auxiliary function, Introverted Feeling (Fi), they feel compelled to refine and clarify their values, worldview, and identity. The process of “finding themselves” entails both inner (Fi) and outer (Ne) exploration. In this phase of development, ENFPs may seem more serious, focused, and morally directed than in their younger years.
当ENFPs在发展他们的辅助功能—内向情感 (Fi)时,他们会感觉到想要改进和澄清他们的价值观、世界观和人生观。
Phase III: Convergence & Introversion
If and when ENFPs enter Phase III, they develop and integrate their tertiary (Te) and inferior (Si) functions. As ENFPs develop their Te and Si, they become more committed and self-disciplined. They balance their Ne propensity for restless seeking with Te/Si commitment and steadfastness. They learn to calm their restless minds and be okay with “what is.” They become more inner- directed and self-aware, moving toward inner harmony of mind, body, and spirit.
ENFPs’ Dominant Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Extraverted Intuition (Ne) is ENFPs’ dominant function. It can function either perceptively or expressively. The verbal expression of Ne amounts to something like “thinking out loud.” When orating, ENFPs may not always seem to “have a point” as they randomly move from one idea to the next. Often times, the “point” is for the ENFP to find their way to a judgment (Fi), but this first requires them to explore multiple options by way of their Ne. While others may not trust the seemingly arbitrary and haphazard ways of Ne, ENFPs realize its value. They know that, in time, that truth or wisdom will reveal itself. Their only job is to talk, write, or otherwise express their Ne, trusting that it will lead them in the right direction.
This helps us recognize a primary difference between ENP and INJ types. While both are dominant Intuitives, INJs have a stronger sense that they know something upfront. There is a certain confidence associated with their Introverted Intuition (Ni), which only increases when their Ni is expressed outwardly through their Judging function (Te or Fe). By that point, the point of extraversion, the INJ almost sounds certain in his or her pronouncements.
这一点帮助我们来区分ENP和INJ之间最大的区别,尽管他们的主导功能都是直觉,但INJs通常对事物有着强烈而直接的感受,INJs对他们的内向直觉Ni功能有一种明确的自信感,当他们将Ni直觉通过判断功能(Te or Fe)表达出来时,会进一步增强这种确信度。正因如此,INJs表达时通常听起来都是无比肯定的。
ENPs, by contrast, while sometimes having a initial hunch, do not experience the same sense of confidence prior to expression. When operating in Ne mode, they are often searching for answers as they go along; they are extraverting what INJs’ Ni does inwardly. This is why ENPs are classified as Perceivers. They tend to extravert their Perceiving function (Ne) more than their Judging function (Te).
Granted, some ENPs are much more cogent and streamlined in their expressions than others. But much of it depends on the context of the conversation. In some instances, ENFPs call on their tertiary function, Extraverted Thinking (Te), which is not at all random, but direct and to the point.
In addition to its expressive role, Ne can also function receptively. ENFPs enjoy asking questions that allow them to gather information from other people. This makes them good facilitators of conversation, using their Ne to read people and generate probing questions that make for interesting dialogue. ENFPs often hone and apply this talent in careers such as journalism, counseling, and psychology.
In contrast to Extraverted Sensing (Se), Ne does not focus on overt information. Se is more straightforward, involving a direct apprehension of information through one or more of the senses. Ne is different in that it goes beyond or looks behind sense data. This allows ENFPs to discern otherwise hidden patterns, possibilities, and potentials. By way of their Ne, ENFPs make connections that other types readily miss.
Ne also confers an open-mindedness. It helps ENFPs see truth on both sides of an issue without forming unwarranted judgments or premature conclusions.
ENFPs also use their Ne to sniff out intriguing possibilities. They commonly enjoy and assume the role of wanderer or seeker. Rarely do they know in advance exactly what they are seeking, which is partly why they find operating in Ne mode so exhilarating. Ne involves a sense of blind anticipation and expectation, of not knowing who or what will manifest next in their life journey.
For instance, if functioning in Ne mode, ENFPs might spontaneously embark on a walk in unfamiliar city, anticipating a pleasurable sense of adventure, uncertainty, and expectancy. They might even experience a sense of romance, perhaps imagining a serendipitous encounter with a future soulmate in a quaint coffee shop or used book store. ENFP artists and writers may experience a similar sense of expectancy as they enter into the creative process, the excitement of not knowing exactly what will be revealed as become immersed in their work. Hence, Ne has a certain mystical flavor, involving an openness or curiosity toward what God or the universe might have in store.
While having the potential to bring much good and happiness to ENFPs, Ne also has its challenges. For one, their Ne can make it difficult for ENFPs to arrive at firm conclusions or make important decisions. It often seems that at the very moment ENFPs are feeling good about a given conclusion or decision, their Ne steps in and causes them to start doubting it again. This has obvious implications for ENFPs’ ability to stay on task and finish what they start. It can also cause them to feel discouraged and restless, worried that they may never find a place of rest and contentment.
ENFPs’Auxiliary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Introverted Feeling (Fi) is the auxiliary function of both ENFPs and ESFPs. One of its primary concerns is the development of a personalized worldview, independent of societal conventions, which can serve as a platform for self-understanding and decision-making. Fi is quite similar to Introverted Thinking (Ti) in that it involves an ongoing process of building or modifying an inner structure. This was beautifully illustrated by one of my blog contributors:
“My inner values and feelings (Fi) are like a building, a structure of affections that inform my worldview. This involves an inner love for certain things, and an inner repulsion for other things. My values and feelings form “blocks” of varying hardness, depending on how strongly I feel about them; the stronger ones are more resilient…I constantly discover more about the structure as I go, and what I should change to make it better. For example, I didn’t have to factually discern a respect for human dignity; I simply found myself in situations where people did not respect human dignity, and it made me angry — I found out that I hate bullying.”
This idea of an inner structuring, involving affective blocks of varying degrees of hardness, seems to me a perfect illustration of the nature of Introverted Feeling.
The difference between Fi in ENFPs versus INFPs is its place in the functional stack. For INFPs, it comes first, which makesthem quicker to judge. Afterward, they use their Ne to probe the judgment to see if it is valid or whether it should be kept open or “grey.” This too was nicely illustrated by one of my INFP blog contributors:
“As for core truths in general, I’ve found that I, too, come to a decision about a particular thing through my Fi (I love it, I hate it, I value it, etc.) fairly quickly, but I work to keep it in soft, gray place for a while (not my method in my younger years). I throw some Ne darts at it to see if it’ll fade to gray or if it’ll firm up to a deep black. Only through this testing can I find that I trust and accept that inner Fi decision as a core truth.”
For ENFPs, the order is reversed. They do not start with an initial judgment or presumption like INFPs. This is particularly true early in their development. Rather, like INJs, they approach each situation with fresh eyes, with the openness provided by their Ne. After exploring things by way of their Ne, they use their Fi to form a judgment. Then, if they feel confident in that judgment, they may express it through their tertiary Te.
One of the more important features of Fi is its direction. Namely, because it is introverted, onlookers may not have ready access to ENFPs’ emotions. Like ESFPs, they express their Feeling judgments somewhat indirectly through their Te. Interestingly, this can lead others to view ENFPs as Thinking types, while seeing ENTPs, who extravert their thoughts by way of Feeling, as Feeling types. While this can be somewhat tricky and confusing for those new to typology, it is a very important phenomenon to recognize when trying to understand the personality types.
ENFPs’ Tertiary Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Through the process of psychological development, ENFPs, like other types, develop an identity. They come to see themselves as X, but not Y or Z. As is true of other types, they tend to identify most strongly with their top two functions, while downplaying the importance of the other functions. And while there are certain benefits to identifying with and understanding their Ne and Fi functions, ENFPs will never experience wholeness until they understand, develop, and integrate their tertiary and inferior functions.
For self-actualizing ENFPs, Te represents strength, confidence, and self-assertiveness. It may seem strange to some that ENFPs, as Extroverts, would need further development in these areas. And while it is true that ENFPs are naturally stronger than IP types when it comes to confidently extraverting their judgments, ENFPs still have a tendency, as Perceivers, to adapt to circumstances rather than stand firm in their own judgments.
Perceivers types, as a group, have a propensity for codependency. While not always a bad thing, what this means, in effect, is that the tend to defer to other people’s judgments rather than coming to or holding to their own conclusions. In other words, since they are naturally open- ended rather than decisive, it is easy for Perceivers to look to others to make decisions for them. This is especially true of EP types, whose Perceiving function comes first in their functional stack. The danger of constantly deferring to others’ judgments is that there comes a time in ENFPs’ development when are poised to start making decisions on their own. And when that time comes, if a precedent has been set of adapting rather than self-asserting, ENFPs may face serious challenges in their relationships. Specifically, they will be forced to choose between “business as usual” (i.e., merely adapting) and self-assertion. If they choose the former, they will either become bitter and resentful toward their partner or disgusted with themselves for not having the backbone to assert themselves. If they choose to assert themselves, they are faced with the prospect of conflict and disharmony, something Perceivers prefer to avoid if at all possible.
As with other Perceiving types, ENFPs are also disposed to passive-aggressive behavior. This involves the expression of negative feelings in indirect and underhanded ways. For instance, an ENFP might suddenly discontinue correspondence with a friend after feeling offended by something he said. When asked for an explanation, the ENFP might make excuses or change the subject, reluctant to directly address the underlying issue.
In order to overcome unhealthy degrees of codependency and passive-aggressive behavior, ENFPs need to develop the ability to confidently assert themselves through their Te. If hoping to live up to their ideal of authenticity, ENFPs need to express themselves honestly and directly. Without this capacity, they will inevitably feel guilty, frustrated, and restless.
Self-actualizing ENFPs find a source of strength and confidence in their Te. They discover the courage to stand-up for themselves and authentically act on their convictions. They overcome their fear that conflict and disharmony will necessarily produce a bad outcome. They come to see how forthright expression leads to a deeper sense of intimacy and fulfillment than could ever be reached by mere adaptation. Through this process, ENFPs gain even greater respect from others while also feeling better about themselves. They can also make leaders of the highest order, capable of sensitively surveying the needs of others and confidently making and asserting their own judgments.
ENFPs’ Fourth/Inferior Function: Introverted Sensation (Si)
In many ways, the inferior function can be seen as having its own agenda, exhibiting needs and desires that run contrary to the dominant function. What results is a sort of love-hate, either-or situation in which the individual alternates between indulging and avoiding the desires of his or her inferior function. Indulging the inferior is like experimenting with narcotics. It feels exciting and exhilarating at first, but if one is not careful, he or she may “lose control” (i.e., lose contact with the dominant function), falling prey to obsessive or destructive behaviors.
As is true of other types, ENFPs can be easily blinded to the degree to which their inferior function, Introverted Sensing (Si), impacts their behavior and decision-making. Without sufficient awareness of and development of their inferior, they will continue to feel restless and be prone to making unwise decisions in their careers, lifestyle, and relationships. They will also remain more susceptible to irrational fears, anxiety, and self-defensiveness.
就和其他人格型一样,ENFPs也容易忽视掉他们的第四功能——内向感觉(Si),直到这已经影响到他们的行为和决策。如果没有足够的认知并发展他们的第四功能, ENFPs会持续地感到不安,并容易在职业、生活方式和人际关系中做出不明智的决定。
Yet another potential problem is the use of crutches to appease or placate the inferior. Crutches can limit crash-and-burn encounters with the inferior. They may also serve to assuage some of the fear, anxiety, and potential pain the comes from directly confronting inferior-related issues. *The problem is when crutches, which are supposed to function as short-term aids, are taken as long-term solutions, thereby prohibiting further growth and development. So rather than learning to walk (or even run) unaided and experiencing the long-term rewards of doing so, we settle for mediocre solutions that feel more safe and certain.
Considered broadly, Myers-Briggs Sensing can be associated with basic subsistence needs: food, money, work, shelter, physical health, etc. It also relates to detail-orientation. Hence, ENFPs, especially those who are terribly absent-minded, may struggle to effectively navigate the details of modern life. They might forget to pay the bills, have issues with punctuality, eat a poor diet, or fail to take enough exercise.
If caught up in the grip of their inferior function, however, ENFPs may go to the opposite extreme. They may become incredibly particular or obsessive about details. This is particularly common when ENFPs are working to actualize their Ne vision.Because their N visions and ideals can be so vivid and seem so perfect, it can be difficult for them to accept anything less than perfection when it comes to their S embodiment. Walt Disney and Steve Jobs, both likely ENFPs, exemplified this N to S perfectionism. Ironically, such obsession over details can make ENFPs seemrigid and myopic, qualities they are wont to criticize in other types.
A most overlooked feature of Si is its perception and awareness of internal bodily sensations— the body as felt and experienced from within. More than any other psychological function, Si provides access to our most basic sense of “being,” apart from thought or outward stimuli. Historically, Eastern philosophical and religious traditions have done a much better job exploring this aspect of human experience than those of the West. This element of Si becomes more evident during activities that direct attention to one’s internal bodily state, such as yoga or meditation.
ENFPs granting too much attention to Si physical sensations are susceptible to psychosomatic illnesses or*hypochondriasis, where a heightened focus on their bodily sensations leads to unwarranted concerns about illness. And because of the powerful role of the imagination in both health and illness, negative imaginings can contribute to the development of real physical problems and illnesses.
The Si-Ne polarity involves a tension between established methods, traditions, and conventions (Si) and individual freedom, potentials, and possibilities (Ne). Consciously, ENFPs tend to emphasize the latter, while unconsciously, they are drawn to the former. Consciously, they may be opposed to collective rules, which threaten individuality and autonomy. Unconsciously, they desire more consistency and constancy in their lives. They sense there is value in establishing routines and traditions.*Since Si is associated with the past, ENFPs are often fascinated with history or certain traditions. This is why they are commonly attracted to religious occupations. Ministry is not only attractive to their Ne and Fi, but its traditions also appeal to their inferior Si.
As ENFPs develop their Si, it can serve as a counterbalance and reality check to their Ne. It helps recall relevant facts and life experiences that keep them from making the same mistakes twice or having to revisit issues they’ve already worked through.*Si can also help ENFPs develop effective habits. As they observe themselves over time, they can identify which behaviors allow them to function most optimally. They may, for instance, learn that obsessively searching for answers on the Internet can leave them feeling more confused and aimless than when they started. So instead of succumbing to the temptation of Googling every Ne possibility that enters their mind, they can employ their Fi or Si and forgo their temptation to pursue irrelevant or undesirable tangents. Doing so helps them remain more focused and effective.
ENFPs who successfully develop and integrated their Si are more at peace with themselves. They no longer feel it necessary to chase every possibility, a state which can produce great anxiety and restlessness. They learn to be more okay with “what is” without having to constantly explore “what could be.” Practices such as meditation and mindfulness can be extremely useful toward this end.
With that said, negotiating a treaty between their Ne and Si does not happen overnight. When ENFPs first experiment with trying to “stay present,” they quickly become bored and restless. There is also an inner resistance and fear response associated with the prospect of loosening their Ne penchant for constantly seeking something better or something more.
Letting go of their exclusive identification with their Ne and Fi to allow for the integration of their Si does not mean that ENFPs will no longer be ENFPs, that they will lose or forsake all of their historical interests, or that their Si will be equally dominant or well-developed as their Ne.The primary difference between self-actualizing and non-actualized ENFPs is the way they go about their lives. Self-actualizing ENFPs become more aware of the motivations associated with their inferior function that were hitherto unconscious. This allows them to act more wisely since they are not being controlled by unconscious forces.Self-actualizing ENFPs no longer blindly rally against Si traditions or conventions, but come to understand the value conferred to those who embrace them. Not only that, but ENFPs come to acknowledge the value of traditions and routines in their own lives, which serve to counterbalance and temper their Ne restlessness.